Union Jack Oil plc

Union Jack Oil plc is an oil and gas company with a focus on onshore production, development, exploration and investment opportunities within the United Kingdom and the United States of America hydrocarbon sector.

The directors believe that significant opportunities exist to invest in, or acquire assets within our axis areas.

The Company currently has interests in multiple key licences within the East Midlands, Humber Basin, East Yorkshire and Interests in two licences located in Oklahoma in the United States of America.

We operate a disciplined approach in discovering new oil and to monetise through selective development to replace reserves and sustain future production; the cash engine of the business.

Our portfolio of interests is well balanced with a mixture of production, development and late-stage, potentially high end value exploration.

The ordinary shares of the Company are traded on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange (Ticker AIM:UJO), OTCQB Venture Market (Ticker: UJOGF) in the United States of America and also the independent Aquis Market in the UK.

Union Jack Oil plc

Union Jack Oil plc is an oil and gas company with a focus on onshore production, development, exploration and investment opportunities within the United Kingdom hydrocarbon sector.

The directors believe that significant opportunities exist to invest in, or acquire assets within our axis areas.

The directors consider that the United Kingdom, with its stable economy, well-regulated hydrocarbon laws governed by the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA), formerly known the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA), combined with a well-established licensing system is an attractive country for direct investment in hydrocarbon projects.

The Company currently has interests in multiple key licences within the East Midlands, Humber Basin and East Yorkshire.

We operate a disciplined approach in discovering new oil and to monetise through selective development to replace reserves and sustain future production; the cash engine of the business.

Our portfolio of interests is well balanced with a mixture of production, development and late-stage, potentially high end value exploration.

The ordinary shares of the Company are traded on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM) of the London Stock Exchange (Ticker AIM:UJO), OTCQB Venture Market (Ticker: UJOGF) in the United States of America and also the independent Aquis Market in the UK.



An expanding, high quality portfolio

An expanding, high quality portfolio

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